14,233 members I 2024-05-13
Please do not send spam, advertising, deceptive, and sexually explicit content to the group. Also, don't chat rudely or insult other members. You will be blocked if you violate this group rule. Support Admin: @Louis2903
Чат Знакомства Для Общения 18+
3,499 members I 2023-05-16
'*Данная группа не нарушает правила Telegram! ***.This channel does not violate the rules of ㅤㅤㅤ Telegram. All persons are adults.? Правила чата : ▪️Запрещено спамить. ▪️Отправлять ссылки. ▪️Заниматься саморекламой и просто рекламой. ▪️Оскорбление семьи.
404 members I 2024-06-25
Those who violate China will be punished even if they are far away. They will learn hackers and cultivate hackers for the rise of China.一帮由民间黑客组织成的团队,从事互联网及物联网安全。只为守护国家安全,欢迎各位黑客爱好者集结在此。
62 members I 2022-01-19
Bu sohbet Telegram kurallarını ihlal etmez ❗ Этот чат не нарушает правила Telegram ❗ This chat does not violate Telegram rules ❗ Este chat no viola las reglas de telegram ❗ Kurucu,Владелец,Fundador,Founder - @BenKaya BU GRUP SATILIKTIR!
Android Developers (Sketchware);
114 members I 2023-05-14
We Share Code and Tutorials Rules Required 1.English only 2.Not Advertise Here. 3.Not Use Abuse Words 4.Not share sexual Content if you Violate Any included four rules you would be ban Channel Link: