Flutter Kerala ?
1,473 members I 2024-06-03
Flutter developers of Kerala under one ☂ For beginner tutorials, check out our Github repo: https://github.com/FlutterKerala/Flutter-Tutorials We also feature cool stuff, on our repo, give us a shout if you have built something cool.
Angular Indonesia
3,465 members I 2023-07-30
Framework web development aplikasi web dan mobile https://angular.io/ Facebook Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/462764390497214/ Github Repo Angular ID https://github.com/angular-indonesia Medium Angular Indonesia https://medium.com/angularid
JailBreak Technical Communication Group
1,023 members I 2024-07-02
嘻哈源地址 https://repo.acreson.cn 嘻哈发卡网 https://shop.acreson.cn 克隆源地址 https://mirror.acreson.cn (克隆源专门收集各种跑路精品包,如MilkWay2,Relocate等)
Peerplays Discussions
615 members I 2023-04-21
Peerplays Group Join us @ www.peerplays.com for the latest Interact with Witnesses @PeerplaysWitness Code Repo www.github.com/peerplays-network
? Galaxy Gcam • A52 - A72
2,542 members I 2023-06-21
Photography-Gcam Group for: A52 (4g+5g) - A52s - A72 Repo: @GcamRepo USE ENGLISH. CHECK PINNED MESSAGES AND /notes. join the Global discussion groups: @SamsunGalaxyA52 @GalaxyA52s @SamsungGalaxyA72 @GalaxyA52A72A52s
642 members I 2023-07-25
PfSense Doc: https://docs.netgate.com/ ______________________________________________ Zabbix template https://share.zabbix.com/network-appliances/pfsense-2-4 Зеркало: https://repo.ialab.dsu.edu/pfsense/
? Galaxy Gcam • A71
253 members I 2024-06-12
Photography-Gcam Group for Galaxy A71. Repo: @GcamRepo USE ENGLISH. CHECK PINNED MESSAGES AND /notes. Mention the cam used. Crypto-spam-nsfw-...:ban join the discussion groups: @sammya71 @A715XX
TON Research
336 members I 2023-10-12
This repo is enthusiasts research place. We will post news and updates there. github.com/copperbits/awesome-ton Please note: this is not an official TON chat, the opinions of chat administrators are not TON / Telegram opinions.
托尔酱的 Captcha 更新&状态发布
124 members I 2024-06-21
稳定版: @toorucaptchabot GitHub repo: https://github.com/Tooruchan/Telegram-CAPTCHA-bot-pyrogram 请注意: 这个 bot 并不会主动获取群组消息,因此你需要赋予它的只是一个封禁用户的权限。
BotHub [closed] Official ??
57 members I 2022-07-20
Support group our spam group :- @bothubspam repo : https://github.com/mkaraniya/BotHub our Channel : @Bot_Hub_Official